Develop customer experiences faster, with no framework dependencies

New: JavaScript framework agnostic integrations and new frontend library


I’m very excited to announce that today we are releasing our first framework agnostic integrations, which means starting from now, we support React. Our strategy at Alokai was always revolving around being an agnostic frontend solution. We started with becoming backend agnostic, and we have arrived at our next milestone.

Patrick Friday
CEO at Alokai

Use any framework and speed up frontend development

Support for all current and upcoming JavaScript frontend frameworks


Choose Vue.js to build a fast and scalable eCommerce frontend. Use 30+ pre-built integrations and a ready Design System that has been downloaded over 700k times.


Is React your framework of choice? Use ready integrations with top composable solutions and build your frontend fast with a new open-source frontend library.

Other JavaScript Framework

Use the same integrations across multiple frontend frameworks. The new architecture separates business and UI logic and can be used with any JavaScript frontend framework.

Integrate your Frontend as a Service with top eCommerce vendors

Ready integrations with composable solutions now available for React. Click the vendor's name to see the documentation page.

eCommerce Platforms


Headless CMS


Storefront UI 2: It’s not an evolution. It’s a revolution.

A brand new open-source frontend library that helps developers to build fast, accessible and beautiful storefronts much more quickly

Fully customizable base components in Vue and React

Fast web performance out of the box: 100/100 out on Lighthouse

Light-weight and composable

Tailwind CSS based

All components are WCAG-compatible


Designed for excellent Developer Experience

Storefront UI 2 comes with fully typed base components, it uses customizable Tailwind utilities and detailed documentation to ensure superb developer experience.

Industry-independent components

Fully customizable base components can be used in any eCommerce industry project.

Customizable Tailwind utilities

Quickly and easily style your application’s frontend without writing custom CSS.

Detailed documentation

Docs with copy-paste code samples is here to help accelerate your development.

Community support

Benefit from free support coming from an active community of 19,000 members.


The first version of Storefront UI has been downloaded 700k+ times. Based on lessons learnt from thousands of live stores, we decided to build a new version with even better developer experience, website performance, and customization.

Filip Rakowski
Chief Developer Experience Officer at Alokai

Futureproof your tech stack

A flexible and agnostic frontend architecture that scales at the pace of your business


Connect with any service, and swap them when needed


Use the same integrations across multiple frontend frameworks

No vendor lock-in

Own your code and remove the headache around scalability