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Composable Commerce Trends 2024: Executive Report

Take charge of your digital transformation, one component at a time!

Composable Commerce Trends 2024: Executive Report

Whether you represent an eCommerce company debating the transition to composable, or if you come from a digital agency seeking the best tech solutions for your customers – this report will help you navigate the dynamic composable landscape and answer the big question: Could composability be the right thing to do in 2024?

read time: 12 MINtotal length: 41 PAGE

Get the latest insights into the state of the composable commerce market in 2024:

Key insights and a short sneak peek:

  • Evolving trends:
    Key trends driving the composable market in 2024 include technology democratization, consumer consciousness, AI adoption, and demand for omnichannel personalization.
  • Composable market growth
    Increasing business adoption of modular architectures over monolithic structures indicates ongoing industry growth even amidst the economic recession.
  • Investment surge:
    Experts forecast a sharp rise in MACH technology investment and a projected 20.5% CAGR in headless commerce through 2027.
  • Geographical dynamics:
    The U.S. leads in composable adoption, but Europe is rapidly catching up, indicating a potential shift in global market dominance.
  • Adoption barriers:
    Significant challenges include doubts over cost, complexity, and operational disruption, making businesses cautious about transitioning to composable commerce. Greater education within the sector is required.

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