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Shaping the future of ecommerce: SAP CC executive report

Direct market insights from 200+ SAP Commerce Cloud users

Shaping the future of ecommerce: SAP CC executive report

We’ve surveyed more than 200 enterprises actively using SAP Commerce Cloud to help you make informed decisions about the current state of the ecommerce tech market. Is 2024 the year of replatforming?

read time: 9 min total length: 21 page

What’s inside the report?

  • Major ecommerce trends

    Understand the landscape and adapt to the rapidly changing ecommerce world faster with the right tech

  • Challenges for ecommerce brands

    Recognize the struggles and learn how to build a tech suite to prevent the downtime instead of reacting

  • An honest feedback on SAP CC performance

    Discover the most popular use cases, review the impact of the right frontend on your storefront’s performance, and see if SAP CC still cuts it

  • The popularization of composable

    Learn what drives the growing adoption of composable commerce across international enterprises and how to leverage it without replatforming

This research was carried out by an external agency:
