
Acceleration Features

Discover all features related to performance that we’ve built & maintain for you to use out-of-the-box.


Progressive Web App (PWA)

Alokai offers modern Progressive Web Application that is fast, reliable, and engaging. Using PWA offers a native application experience, with speedier conversion and cleaner browsing even with poor Internet connectivity


Caching depending on the commerce objects

Alokai has out of the box caching tactics for commerce objects to help with lowering Time to First Byte (TTFB), by requiring the server to use fewer resources to load a page.


Faster Initial Load

Alokai is keeping each product page as different chunk resulting faster loading in background in result you get lower initial load time and page payloads on your site


Setting the new standard in eCommerce

One app for everything. Smartphone, tablet, and desktop


Frees customization possibilities. With no vendor lock-in, you are the only owner of your site.

Headless and API-focused

API-first approach and modular architecture make you able to tailor-made your system to your business need.

Progressive Web App

Provides shopping experiences like native apps while boosting site performance and customization possibilities.


A single app provides a unified user experience on different devices.


A built-in service workers cache delivers offline functionality and ultra-fast performance.

Native app functionalities

Mobile-first UX makes shopping smooth and easy.


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