

    Alokai Inc., and its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Company”, “we”, “our”, or “us”) are committed to maintaining the accuracy and security of Customer’s personal information that we collect, use, process, share, and store when User’s access and use the Alokai Console (the “Console”), as further described in this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) that is subject to the Terms of Use for the Alokai Console (

    This Privacy Policy explains:
    1. Categories of personal information that we collect and when we collect personal information;

    2. Our use, processing, and storage of your personal information;

    3. Providing your personal information to third parties and transfer of personal information;

    4. Your privacy rights;

    5. Cookies and other similar technologies that we use;

    6. Protecting your personal information;

    7. Contact information about your rights under this Privacy Policy; and

    8. Changes to this Privacy Policy.

    All defined terms in this Privacy Policy with initial capital letters have the meaning as set forth in this Section 2 (Defined Terms), unless defined elsewhere in this Privacy Policy. “ “Section” means a section of this Privacy Policy. The singular meaning of a defined term will have the same meaning as the plural meaning and visa versa.
    “Account” means an account created by Organization Owner and Members to access and use the Console.
    “Analytical Data” means analytics data, and other information and data volunteered by Customer or collected automatically through Customer's use of our Console.
    “Customer”, “you”, “your” means an entity that has entered into an agreement with Company for the provisioning of the Company’s hosting services, and includes their Users
    “Customer Content” means any information, materials, and/or Data, in any form or arrangement, provided to the Console by Customer or Customer’s devices, systems, networks or cloud services.
    “Customer Website” means Customer’s website that is hosted by Company. “Data” means Personal Data and Analytical Data. 
    “Member” means Personnel that are invited to access and use the Console by the Organization Owner, and where there can be more than one member designated for a Customer.
    “Organization Owner” means a single Personnel that is the administrator of the Console, has various permission rights including inviting Members to access and use the Console.
    “Personal Data” means any of Customer’s personal information, including Usernames and Passcodes for each of their Users.
    “Users” means collectively Organization Owner and Members.


    Company collects information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is reasonably capable of being associated with or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with Customer (“Customer Personal Information”) when Customer (a) creates an Account with us, and (b) accesses and uses the Console.
    Customer Personal Information does not include publicly available information from government records or de-identified or aggregated information.Company may collect, store and use different categories of Customer
    Personal Information, including;
  4. Categories of information

    Type of information

    Account information

    username (an email address), password

    Information collected by the Console

    dates of instances deployments, instances domains, instance use “middleware”, GitHub installation id; GitHub token, GibHub user id; alerts, date last login, date of account creation, historical data about instance load, information about logs and traffic on Customer Website

    Information collected by your use of the Console

    user id, device ids, IP addresses, pageviews and events, clicks, scrolls, form submissions, user demographics (age, gender, interests, and behavior), behavior of Customer Website, user’s organization ids


    Company uses, collects and processes Customer Personal Information for the following purposes:

    Legal Basis



    To provide Users with access to and use of the Console


    To process information to determine how our Console is being used by you, in order to improve the features and functionality

    Legitimate Interest

    To notify you of changes to this Privacy Policy

    Legal Obligations

    To maintain and process records to comply with legal obligations

    In some instances, Company may use Customer Personal Information in combination with information belonging to others. In this process, we use various methods to remove the identifying portions of any personal information before combining it with the information of others. The output of this process is aggregate data, which is incapable of identifying you or any others. We use this aggregate data for several reasons, including improving our Console and how we deliver it to you.
    Company may store Customer Personal Information in the United States, and Company will store it for only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, and to allow us to satisfy any legal and reporting requirements.
    Automated Processing: We do not conduct automated decision-making processing; such as profiling.
    We do not sell personal information. Company does not sell Customer’s personal information to third parties for a monetary payment or something else of values received in return. However, Company may provide Customer Personal Information to third parties where we do not receive a monetary payment (as described in Section 5).

    Do Not Track. Our Console does not respond to Do Not Track browser settings and we do not participate in any Do Not Track frameworks that would allow us to respond to you.

    Children’s Personal Information: We do not knowingly collect, process, or store the personal information of children under the age of eighteen. If we learn that we have collected, processed or stored the personal information of a user who is not of legal age in their country, state, region or province, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete such personal information as soon as reasonably possible.

    Company may provide Customer Personal Information to third parties, where Company does not receive a monetary payment, including:

    Third Party

    Purpose for providing personal information

    Service Provider

    A “Service Provider” is a company or person which processes your personal information for a business purpose under a written contract between Company and the Service Provider. Company may transfer Customer’s personal information to a Service Provider for business purposes, such as, to monitor and analyze trends and usage in the Console.

    Public Authorities & Legal Proceedings

    To respond to a subpoena, warrant or other legal processes issued by a court or public authority; discovery requests and demands as part of a civil lawsuit or similar legal process; disclosure is required to comply with applicable laws, and similar legal processes.

    Business Transfer

    If we sell a business, your personal information may be sent to the buyer of that business. If we buy a business, we may acquire your personal information.

    Professional Advisors

    To our attorneys and advisors who assist us in providing our products and services to you.

    If you reside outside of the United States, Company may transfer Customer Personal Information to the United States, and Company will put in place the required safeguards so that the transfer of Customer Personal Information complies with the applicable data protection laws.

    Subject to applicable laws, Customer may have the following additional rights:
  8. Right

    The actions you may take


    Users have a right to access their data by contacting Company at

    Correction (also known as Rectification)

    User have a right to correct their data by contacting Company at

    (also known as Right to be Forgotten)

    The Organization Owner may delete an Member’s Account, and/or Customer may request that Company delete Customer’s access and use of the Console. Further, Customer may request that Company delete Customer Personal Information.
    We may retain Customer Personal Information for as long as we believe it is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the Customer Personal Information was collected, or as otherwise required by law. There are instances where applicable law allows or requires us to maintain Customer Personal Information. In the event that we cannot delete Customer Personal Information, Company will inform Customer of the reason(s) why.

    Restrict Processing

    Users have a right to restrict processing by deleting their access to and use of the Console.


    Users have a right to portability is not available since there is no usable data that can be ported to another system.


    Users have a right to object to processing by terminating their access to and use of the Console.


    Users have a right to opt-out of processing by terminating their access to and use of the Console.

    Withdraw Consent

    User have a right to withdraw their consent by deleting their access to and use of the Console.

    Lodge a Compliant

    Users have a right to file a complaint with the appropriate government agency if the User believes Company has not complied with this Privacy Policy or has violated the applicable privacy law.

When a User contacts us, we may request information from the User to enable us to confirm their identity. We will use reasonable means to confirm that the User that is making the request works for Customer. If we cannot verify that the User making the request works for Customer, we may deny the request. There will be no charge to request and receive access to Customer Personal Information which we have collected about Customer. If Company cannot provide Customer with access to Customer Personal Information, Company will inform Customer of the permissible reasons why we may not be able to provide access to Customer Personal Information. In addition, Company may not always be able to fulfill Customer’s request to your satisfaction. In some cases, we may be prohibited by law, agreement or legitimate interest to fully comply with Customer’s request. When those situations arise, Company will inform Customer of the reason(s) why we are unable to fulfill your request.

    We use cookies, web beacons and similar technologies on our Console to enhance user experience and tailor our products to improve user experience.
    A “cookie” is a small text file that is stored in your computer’s internet browser when you access and use the Console. There are many different types of cookies.
    When you access and use our Console, we will send that identifier to the User’s device and it will be stored on the User’s device. The User’s device will send the identifier back to us each time the User accesses and uses our Console, and any features or functions of the Console. A cookie will be either a “session” cookie or a “persistent” cookie: (a) a session cookie will expire when the User stops using our Consolee and (b) a persistent cookie will be stored in the User’s device web browser, and will remain in use until the expiration date that we set (Users can delete a persistent cookie before its expiration date by using the web browser on the User’s device).
    We use the services of Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google, in our Console to understand how you use our Console so that we can improve the Console’s features and functionality, as well as, your user experience.
    Managing and Opting Out of Cookies. Many cookies can be disabled through the browser on the User’s device by following the instructions on the User’s device web browser. The instructions are usually located in the ‘Help’ or ‘Tools’ menus of your web browser. Please note: you cannot disable a strictly necessary or essential cookie. Blocking all cookies can have a negative effect on your ability to access and use our Console.
    Company is committed to protecting the security of Customer Personal Information that we collect from Customer. Company uses reasonable physical, technical, and administrative measures to help protect Customer Personal Information from the risk of accidental loss, and unauthorized or inappropriate access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure.
    The safety and security of Customer information also depends upon Customer. If Customer accesses and uses our Console using a Username and Password, Customer responsible for keeping this information confidential and not sharing it with anyone else.
    If you have any questions regarding the collection, processing or storage of your personal information, or to exercise your rights under this Privacy Policy, please contact us at
    We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. By accessing and using our Console you agree to any revisions of this Privacy Policy, whether or not we advise you of such changes.